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Susan Boyle( Susan Magdalane Boyle )

Album Intro
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Singer Intro

Album name:The Gift(星光獻禮)

◎收錄YouTube徵選「下一個蘇珊波爾Susan Search」活動得主Amber Stassi動人對唱Do You Hear What I Hear、詮釋龐克教父Lou Reed首支主打Perfect Day及Hallelujah、Auld Lang Syne等十首佳節浪漫經典
  18個月,讓一位平凡素人飛上枝頭變鳳凰,鄰家大嬸蘇珊波爾的傳奇故事成為世界頭條新聞焦點!無懼那些冷漠嘲笑勇敢追夢,締造不可思議的奇蹟。參加英國版星光大道選秀比賽「Britain's Got Talent」實況,塞爆YouTube網路平台,衝破5億人次點閱率,佔據2009年之冠。首張處女之航《星光圓夢I Dreamed A Dream》,成為亞馬遜史上預購量最多、全球銷量最快的第一張作品、世界各地開出逼近1000萬張的驚人銷售數字、空降英美等21國排行冠軍!這是質樸的蘇珊,透過因夢想而偉大的靈魂,唱出感動千萬人的聲音!
  蘇珊的故事給予人們無限啟發和慰藉。出生蘇格蘭農村,加上外型和學習障礙,一路走來跌跌撞撞,在人際和工作方面,備嘗艱辛和屈辱,音樂就成為最具慰藉的庇護所。直到47歲那年,靠著一首〈I Dreamed A Dream〉,意外成為國際矚目的頭號人物,藉由歌謠得到全然釋放,走出宅婦陰影,實現最真夢想。從蘇珊的美麗音符中,找到希望的力量,振翅展翼抓住屬於自己的一片天!
  滿溢感恩之情,在這家人齊聚一堂的繽紛節慶中,蘇珊獻上最溫馨的感恩特禮《The Gift》,仍是交付年輕的超級紅牌製作大師Steve Mac(里歐娜、美聲男伶、西城男孩)操刀,蘇珊親自挑選別具意義的經典曲目予以新唱。開場的主打〈Perfect Day〉,詮釋龐克教父、The Velvet Underground靈魂人物Lou Reed世紀佳作,搭配氣勢磅礡的管弦樂,以及大型合音團隊的輔佐,絕對能將那份感動之情唱至人們心底深處;「搖滾名人殿堂」終身會員的Leonard Cohen撫慰靈魂之〈Hallelujah〉,編織鋼琴和弦樂互動出的溫柔音網;在YouTube徵選「下一個蘇珊波爾(Susan Search)」活動得主、紐約救護人員也是三個孩子的媽媽Amber Stassi對唱〈Do You Hear What I Hear?〉,飄散聖潔樂音陪襯,突顯兩人渲染力強烈的嗓音,無論是獨唱或二部合唱,如同天使般傳遞衷心祝福;紐西蘭籍音樂才子Neil Finn領軍的搖滾團隊Crowded House最耳熟能詳之〈Don't Dream It's Over〉,以兒童/成人合唱團交替幕後伴唱,千萬別讓失去方向的落寞感牽絆人生繼續前進之動力;接著利用Acoustic吉他為基調〈The First Noel〉、〈O Holy Night〉、Acapella無伴奏演繹〈O Come All Ye Faithful〉、以及清澈童聲引領〈Away In A Manger〉...等多首傳統聖誕應景頌歌,皆蘊藏著祥和氣息。蘇珊再一次透出堅定信念、安撫心靈的意念,同時在聲聲誠摯恩典傳遞下,洋溢無比幸福的感應!
he catapulted to international stardom overnight with 500 million YouTube hits, smashed music records around the world with her triumphant debut album and now Susan Boyle returns with her eagerly awaited second album, The Gift.

The Gift, sees Susan Boyle and world acclaimed producer Steve Mac reunited to present a breathtaking seasonal album. Featuring yule time favourites 『The First Noel』 and 『O Holy Night』, Susan also fearlessly takes on iconic pop songs including 『Don』t Dream It』s Over』 and 『Perfect Day』 giving them a new identity.

Also making her musical debut on The Gift is American medic and winner of the International Susan Search, Amber Stassi. Amber & Susan perform a stunning and inimitable rendition of 『Do you Hear What I Hear』.

Now with a beautiful seasonal album she will, once again, defy critics and preconceptions.

Susan explained; 'When making this album, I really wanted the songs to touch hearts. Music has always been a companion to me, particularly on special occasions. I wanted there to be a mix of songs that would flow with all our moods this holiday season. As much as the season is a time for reflection, it is also a time for fun and enjoyment with those closest to us.'