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Enrique Iglesias



*性感天王首张英文与西班牙文双语大碟,与9座拉丁葛莱美奖得主Juan Luis Guerra合作单曲'Cuando Me Enamoro'成就歌唱生涯第21首全美拉丁单曲榜冠军作
*拉丁嘻哈新宠Pitbull热情跨刀派对劲奏'I Like It'进逼全美热门单曲榜TOP20
*新世代流行天王亚瑟小子、小野猫性感主音妮可、流行嘻哈总统阿肯、缔造千万次数位下载销售的波多黎各组合Wisin & Yandel跨刀合作的动感时尚大碟

抛开烦恼束缚,尽情沉醉在永无止境的愉悦快感!性感巨星Enrique Iglesias/安立奎出道以来的首张英文与西班牙文双语大碟【Euphoria】,将引你进入神魂颠倒的动感音乐国度!

出生于西班牙,在迈阿密长大的安立奎自90年代中期闯荡乐坛以来,缔造了全球超过5500万张的专辑销售,赢得8座拉丁音乐奖,5座全美音乐奖,1座葛莱美奖。专辑【Euphoria】由制作过Lady Gaga畅销专辑“The Fame”、化名为RedOne的摩洛哥裔制作人Nadir Khayat,曾经为安立奎制作过'Bailamaos'、'Hero'等TOP10畅销曲的Mark Taylor,以及与安立奎合作过多张专辑的制作人Carlos Paucar共同打造。安立奎透过这张专辑营造出一种让人流连忘返的夜店fu,他的热情歌声在心醉神迷的流行电音、快意无限的嘻哈节奏与畅快淋漓的拉丁音乐簇拥下,显得更加性感迷人。

【Euphoria】专辑里的首支拉丁单曲'Cuando Me Enamoro',请来荣获9座拉丁葛莱美奖的多明尼加传奇歌手Juan Luis Guerra跨刀合作,这首揉合拉丁流行乐与多明尼加伤感歌谣曲风bachata的单曲,发行首周即强势攻占拉丁美洲与西班牙电台排行榜TOP10,随后也成为安立奎歌唱生涯第21首全美拉丁流行单曲榜冠军曲。在拉丁单曲告捷之后,安立奎随即推出与2009年以全美热门单曲榜亚军曲'I Know You Want Me'席卷全球的拉丁嘻哈新宠Pitbull所合作的英文单曲'I Like It',这首结合流行电音、流行舞曲与拉丁嘻哈元素的作品,特地取样流行巨星Lionel Richie演唱的1983年冠军大作'All Night Long (All Night)'副歌段落,让这首带电的派对热歌更添狂放不羁的快感。

专辑中还请到流行乐坛的动感天王Usher/亚瑟小子与媚惑全球的The Pussycat Dolls/小野猫性感女声Nicole Scherzinger/妮可炒热派对气氛。亚瑟小子跨刀合唱的'Dirty Dancer'融合了欧式高动能舞曲与美式电子舞曲热浪,亚瑟小子直说这是一首献给全球跑趴辣妹的派对靓作。妮可跨刀合唱的'Heartbeat'在怦然心动的电子流行乐节拍中,流露出令人难以抗拒的低回情感。


Euphoria is the ninth studio album, and first bilingual album, by Spanish pop singer-songwriter Enrique Iglesias. The album is a joint-release by Universal Republic and Universal Music Latino and will be released on July 5, 2010 internationally and in the US on July 6, 2010. The album features guest appearances by Akon, Usher, Juan Luis Guerra, Pitbull, Nicole Scherzinger and Puerto Rican reggaeton duo Wisin and Yandel. The album consists of songs in English and Spanish.

The first single released from the album is 'Cuando Me Enamoro', which debuted at number 8 and number 25 on U.S Latin Pop Songs and U.S. Hot Latin Songs respectively. The song became his 25th top 10 single on the U.S. Billboard Latin Pop Songs & after 4 weeks of its release date it became his 21st No.1 song on this chart. The second single, 'I Like It', which features Pitbull, was released on May 3, 2010 in the U.S.. The third single will be 'Heartbeat', which features Nicole Scherzinger and was released on June 8 2010 in the United States. The fourth single 'No Me Digas Que No', which features Wisin & Yandel, was released on June 22, 2010.