Mojim 歌詞

skippy 】 【 歌詞 】 合計262件の関連歌詞
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アルバム ( ページリンク ) ソング ( ページリンク )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.三思而後行 說唱給牆壁聽 Shout out to skippy告訴我如何學習穿牆術成都的溫度會燒到眉毛趁早防護 i say三思而後行別光把韻腳湊近別吵現在是我的show time上帝是公平 Now bow down說唱逗
2 8.難言之隱 8.難言之隱 作詞 林建良 作曲 盧羿安Skippy Lu丁不拉丁 Christine''DingBuLaDing'' Ting空氣裡很安靜面對面情緒的消極可能是太在意怕說錯惹誰傷心沉默的白嗓音劃破了我們的難題
3 2.透明的你(feat. Skippy) 性靜止2.透明的你(feat. Skippy) 作詞 謝蕎 作曲 謝蕎、趙宇晨我看著前方卻走向相反的方向此刻心懸掛被留在每一個當下我總是結巴對比內心浩浩蕩蕩清晰的筆畫只留在書寫的霎那 You caugh
4 1.透明的你 br>1.透明的你 feat. Skippy 作詞 謝蕎 作曲 趙宇晨、謝蕎我看著前方卻走向相反的方向此刻心懸掛被留在每一個當下我總是結巴對比內心浩浩蕩蕩清晰的筆畫只留在書寫的霎那這不算想像我好像終於醒過來接下
5 6.青春時光 習相關6.青春時光 作詞 Skippy 作曲 黃建為手指又打結了彈錯的音輕輕共振我還是學不會呢與後悔共存看花謝還是捨不得青春也打結了等著我的是什麼景色我還是學不會呢再見的口吻你卻笑著說會再見的「喔想哭

6 1.KITTY BOMB OMB 作詞 CREAM 作曲 盧羿安Skippy(Crispy脆樂團) 編曲 黃少雍丟顆炸彈空氣變得新鮮冰川融化熱度衝破臨界點女神降臨關注崇拜要多一點粉紅國度愛就愛無極限十萬個讚換我一個笑臉 Bonnie要世界
7 6.曬傷(Live) ve) 作詞 白安 Ann、盧羿安 Skippy(Crispy脆樂團) 作曲 白安 Ann Hello Saturday why do I feel so lost today明明出太陽但怎麼有雨滴落在我的眉間
8 1.曬傷 .曬傷 作詞 魏如萱、白安、盧羿安 Skippy(Crispy脆樂團) 作曲 白安 編曲 徐平 Hello Saturday Why do I feel so lost today明明出太陽但怎麼有雨滴落在我的眉間
9 1.愛是我們必經的辛苦 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy、丁律妏 Christine Ting 編曲 盧羿安 ... Ting 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy你愛上了星星愛上他卻沒愛上自己迷路當作練習練習笑練習說我可以如果迷
10 2.相愛就是說了100次對不起 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy你喜歡什麼都不說喜歡皺眉頭說我想太多沒關係我懂你喜歡清晨的頂樓喜歡
11 3.追追追 Christine Ting、盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 丁律妏 Christine Ting 編曲 丁律妏 Christine Ting、黃少雍 Huang Shao Yong我追呀追呀追不上了墜啊墜啊停不下了這不
12 4.揹上悲傷北上 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy、丁律妏 Christine Ting、汪定中 DN時間在身上的壓
13 5.自圓其說 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy、黃少雍 Huang Shao Yong時間就這樣一分一秒自顧自地
14 6.說得簡單 Ting、盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 丁律妏 Christine Ting、盧羿安 ... Ting、盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 丁律妏 Christine Ting、陳建騏 George C
15 7.舊家 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy我在舊家把回憶收拾乾淨該丟就丟了不覺得可惜捨不得就寄放在心裡不會積
16 8.Take It Slow Trex、盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 暴龍 Trex、盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 Crispy脆樂團、恐龍的皮 The Dinosaur's
17 1.Neck and Neck Trex 作曲 暴龍 Trex 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy、恐龍的皮 The Dinosaur's Skin Don't make a sound I think it's right behind me Don't
18 1.Take It Slow Trex、盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 暴龍 Trex、盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 Crispy脆樂團、恐龍的皮 The Dinosaur's
19 1.Jurassic Ride -rex 作曲 暴龍 T-rex 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy恐龍的皮 The Dinosaur's Skin Everywhere I go All I see is your eyes your skin Your
20 2.Millions of Years Apart -rex 作曲 暴龍 T-rex 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy恐龍的皮 The Dinosaur's Skin We look up at the same stars But see a different sky W

21 3.All My Friends Are Dead -rex 作曲 暴龍 T-rex 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy暴龍 T-rex It was just like every other night All alone and my mind was wondering
22 1.All My Friends are Dead -rex 作曲 暴龍 T-rex 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy、暴龍 T-rex It was just like every other night All alone and my mind was wanderin
23 1.黑暗的盡頭 kipp 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy有沒有一首歌能夠唱完一生的不捨還是會有一句話能夠說完二十歲的躁動悶
24 2.裝幀 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 陳建騏 George Chen輕輕地把日子裝幀一針一線地繫上心
25 3.念舊(十週年版) 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy你可曾在一首歌裡聽見一個夏天你可曾在陌生的巷口遇見熟悉的氣味你可曾
26 4.黑暗的盡頭(女聲版) 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 盧羿安 Skippy有沒有一首歌能夠唱完一生的不捨還是會有一句話能夠說完二十歲的躁動悶
27 1.黑暗的盡頭 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy有沒有一首歌能夠唱完一生的不捨還是會有一句話能夠說完二十歲的躁動悶
28 1.裝幀 Turn 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 陳建騏 George Chen輕輕地把日子裝幀一針一線地繫上心
29 1.事事事與願違 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy、張立長 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy、老王樂隊事事事與願違不再害怕遺憾不再為失去傷感不在不完美的世界裡
30 1.Deja Vu(&熊仔) 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy、熊信寬 Kumachan 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy一張一張的招牌似曾相識盤踞著一整條街彼此僵持在一樣的餐點淋上一樣的
31 2.有多少光就有多少黑 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy夢的背面今夜換誰在沈睡(日日夜夜)交替輪迴重複消失又出現(鬼鬼祟祟
32 3.虛線 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy在虛線上面寫著日記為快樂下了三個標題還沒來得及剪接成回憶就忘記把生
33 4.宇宙的角落 Christine Ting、盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 丁律妏 Christine Ting讓我伸手撫摸你的太陽和黑洞不怕留下傷口一起灼傷一起墜落如果快樂藏在那些疼痛的背後讓我雕刻自己放進你靈魂的缺口我可以是你
34 5.離開與到來 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy離開與到來感覺是一樣的一樣呼嘯而過的列車一樣的拉扯一樣感覺自己與窗
35 6.塗抹 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy 編曲 蔡侑良女孩在臉上塗抹一層裝扮站在鏡子前決定不吃晚餐是誰為自己給
36 7.若無其事 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy、丁不拉丁 Christine Ting 編曲 張晁毓 Dato Cha ... Chang、盧羿安Skippy你說距離只是幾個單位就像時間不因誰而改變你的表情像裂開的傷悲我拾起
37 9.轉圈圈 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy、丁律妏 Christine Ting 作曲 盧羿安 ... Ting 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy停在原地不動陷在人潮之中沒盡頭的自由是你留下的牢籠我感覺不到脈搏回
38 10.為我好 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy紅色的衣服紅色的鐵門一桌子飯菜一傍晚街燈七彩的蛋糕七彩的天色我記得
39 1.若無其事(Your brave face) 作詞 盧羿安 Skippy 作曲 盧羿安 Skippy、丁不拉丁 Christine Ting 編曲 張晁毓 Dato Cha ... Chang、盧羿安Skippy你說距離只是幾個單位就像時間不因誰而改變你的表情像裂開的傷悲我拾起
40 1.偶爾回來幾天 來幾天 作詞 Skippy 作曲 Skippy 編曲 Crispy脆樂團偶爾回來幾天用一桌子的歡笑倒著離別觀察對面
41 6.色香味俱全 味俱全 作詞 Skippy 作曲 Skippy走進便利商店(架上滿滿的)色香味俱全(琳琅滿目的)飯團牛奶餅乾泡麵
42 1.燈塔 .燈塔 作詞 Skippy Lu 作曲 Skippy Lu指北針望遠鏡哪邊的遠方飄著烏雲甚麼樣的天晴才能把未來看個仔細
43 1.提醒 .提醒 作詞 Skippy 作曲 Skippy你靜靜睡著的模樣我有多久沒有好好欣賞啦?每天睡前的電話是不是已經變
44 1.玩伴 .玩伴 作詞 Skippy 作曲 Skippy 編曲 Crispy(脆樂團)三人玩的桌遊壞掉的遊戲手把五十一張的撲
45 2.煙火 .煙火 作詞 Skippy Lu 作曲 Skippy Lu 編曲 Crispy(脆樂團)燦爛的短暫的五顏六色的飛舞著炫耀

46 1.色香味俱全 味俱全 作詞 Skippy 作曲 Skippy走進便利商店(架上滿滿的)色香味俱全(琳琅滿目的)飯團牛奶餅乾泡麵
47 1.羊霸天 羊霸天 作詞 Skippy 作曲 Skippy好想當一隻羊無憂無慮的羊每天都聚在一起吃草睡覺曬曬太陽我們是一群羊
48 2.100點 Kinra大神 作詞 Skippy 作曲 Skippy 編曲 丁不拉丁今日もまた晴れやかな午後外に出たいと思ってるでしょでも
49 14.Garageskankfreestyle put the skip in the skippy flow? Who keeps the kids on their tippy toes? Who put the Skinners in videos?
50 16.Have It min in a jiffy damn skippy swallow my jewlary king driftty[Chorus:] Aye meet me outside ask yo girl what
51 1.Uptown Funk er than a fresh dry skippy I'm too hot(hot yeah) Called a police and a fireman I'm too hot(hot yeah) Make
52 4.Uptown Funk than a fresh jar of Skippy I'm too hot(hot damn) Called a police and a fireman I'm too hot(hot damn) Make
53 10.Uptown Funk than a fresh jar of skippy I'm too hot(hot damn) Called a police and a fireman I'm too hot(hot damn) Make
54 13.100 Thousand linded And not just skippy minding every time I get cut off I need to go harder than' Success is more tha
55 7.Ken's Theme(feat. On Being Human) n are the man” Damn skippY! yes I'm the man who breaks your face bones! With all these dudes I'm like“POW
56 7.I Want You To Know That I'm AwakeI Hope That You're Asleep ike them Degnan and Skippy haven't spoken for a while but we're not like them nothing like them n
57 1.Uptown Funk(feat. Bruno Mars) than a fresh jar of skippy I'm too hot(hot damn) Called a police and a fireman I'm too hot(hot damn) Make
58 11.Pew Pew Pew(Feat. DJ Qbert) leg in a bear trap skippy Wasn't in class when the lunch bell rang Due to Colt45 plus smoke got shitty M
59 3.We Don't Play Around for to drop I'm not Skippy on the bit shuffling your feet I know you feel sweet But you're the one to hum
60 3.We Don't Play Around make you want ambra Skippy on the beat shuffling your feet I know you feel sweet But you don't wanna hump
61 11.DJ Self(Freestyle) ou was still Taking Skippy to school Ran with one of them niggas that heists Tiffany's For them jewels. B
62 16.Criminology u were still taking Skippy to school Ran with one of them cats That hides Tiffany's for them jewels Back
63 11.O.P.P. When OPP comes damn skippy I'm with it You down with OPP?(Yeah you know me) You down with OPP?(Yeah you k
64 6.Have It min in a jiffy damn skippy swallow my jewlary king driftty[Chorus:] Aye meet me outside ask yo girl what
65 2.Let Me Sip My Drink ht the VIP Where DJ Skippy Robbie is waiting for me I hit the ugly so I'm feeling real nice and the got t
66 2.Commie's For Christ ppy hippy skippy skippy)(Tch tch tch tch tch tch tch tch
67 14.Rock Me In l so damn skippy I fall into you You rock me(You rock me) You rock me You rock me in Come and hold me tight And don't let go Take me in your a ... me all around I feel so damn skippy I fall into you You rock me(You rock me) You rock me You rock me in Come and hold me tight And don't let go Take me in your a ... me all around I feel so damn skippy I fall into you You rock me(You
68 11.Home th my capable speed Skippy ants claw at the edge of the bowl Of the shell of an egg of bird long since go
69 7.Ali hat's in D12!) Damn skippy my hands swiftly grab a mic Any man gifted stand with it it's battle night Soo
70 1.Dead Sea Monkeys Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy1.Dead Sea Monkeys I love my brine shrimp pals they are my friends. I w
71 2.Word Disassociation Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy2.Word Disassociation enemy lasagna robust below wax semiautomatic aqua
72 3.Dizziful Bliss Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy3.Dizziful Bliss If you are not busy right now Close your eyes and spin
73 4.Smell Like a Cookie All Day Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy4.Smell Like a Cookie All DayJust when you thought it was safe to go ba
74 5.Rainwater Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy5.Rainwater Is it safe to drink the rainwater? Hold your mouth below a
75 6.Ode to Crayola Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy6.Ode to Crayola Outrageous Orange Laser Lemon andJungle Green. That's
76 7.Flamingo Legs Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy7.Flamingo Legs I love when opportunity knocks. It rocks the stripes ri
77 8.Gonna Dig Up Alec Guinness Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy8.Gonna Dig Up Alec Guinness Gonna dig up Alec Guinness. Gonna harvest
78 9.Subtle Oddities Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy9.Subtle Oddities What in the hell is the matter with me? When I look a
79 10.The Ceiling Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy10.The Ceiling When did my room get a ceiling? I've never seen it befor
80 11.Kitten Is Angry Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy11.Kitten Is Angry My kitten my kitty cat. When she's content she purrs
81 12.What Will Happen Will Happen Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy12.What Will Happen Will Happen So what if I'm down? Stuck in reverse.
82 13.New Way Out Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy13.New Way Out One two... A-one two three four. Burger King fries on a
83 14.Geeks In Love Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy14.Geeks In Love Nobody's cool as we nor quite as esoterically far out-
84 15.When Robots Attack Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy15.When Robots Attack Lock up your children. Lock up your pets as well.
85 16.Pumpkin Pie Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy16.Pumpkin Pie There lived a merchant in the days of old who is remembe
86 17.Sky Is Not Blue Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy17.Sky Is Not Blue I made you these construction paper dolls Connected
87 18.Eventuality Neil Cicierega-Damn Skippy18.Eventuality The closer that you look it seems the less that you will
88 1.O.P.P. en OPP comes damn-- skippy I'm with it Chorus: You down with OPP(Yeah you know me)3X Who's down with OPP(
89 8.Easy it back Call Ripley skippy motorhead dope fixture on some go to bed no dinner Hold your head cold winter
90 1.A Gangster And A Gentleman nigga Still wearin' Skippys Bob had Adidas and Pumas I could a had a pair My mommy said wait'til Christma
91 15.Ladies In Da House You damn-damn skip skippy if the track is like paper I guaranteed to rip it smells good here sniff it I
92 15.Meat Cleaver ps out and call you skippy(hehe) The bottom line is we twisted like sam kinison's back After the car wrec
93 1.Awake Like An Owl ama is thicker than Skippys peanut butter Imagine worried thoughts of a young man's mother Feelin's empty
94 3.Fraggle Rawk We'reJohnny Scottie Skippy Tim Punk rock Dance your cares away Worries for another day Let the music play
95 2.O.P.P. en OPP comes damn-- skippy I'm with it Chorus: You down with OPP(Yeah you know me)3X Who's down with OPP(
96 7.Let It Beaounce st the hotty in the skippy clothes And i gotta admit this Mix-a-lot'll zooma-zoom-zoom these skirts wit t
97 6.Conceited Bastard l that's true) damn skippy I put that on everything i love Like when lucy was fucking ricky Got more stri
98 7.Timebomb ou Go ask Skippy we're slipping on a cliche Ask the Pope woah uah uah Go ask Ian we're sitting on a timebomb Odds on it's kicking off somehere ... o ask Ian woah uah uah Go ask Skippy woah uah uah Go ask my mum woah
99 3.P.B.C. ngerie by skippy Here kitty Surprise it's your birthday We did it just for fun But you've got your own gift A scratchy little tongue Try to ru ... our birthday suit Lingerie by skippy Here kitty Kitty kitt
100 10.Never Seen Before they comin out Damn skippy i'm tipsy high like a hippie Don't take drinks from strangers cause niggaz sli
