Mojim 歌詞

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1 6.假面甜心 硯)、Wayson.H 作曲 潮州土狗、Schenbeats我想被包養幸福五百兩約會抓抓癢你台灣最狂我想被包養幸福五百兩約會抓抓癢你台灣最狂刷刷刷刷刷你的信用卡(Visa)爹地的信用卡是我房間的密碼黑黑黑黑我有黑色
2 1.護照 .護照 作詞 Yappy 作曲 Schenbeats我褲頭藏的是麥克風它是我的命根子誰都別想碰隨時要離開我的城市所以必須隨身攜帶護照手中拿著單程機票眼淚不爭氣的滴在我的黑色包包上千人像海你該怎麼選我要不行了
3 2.中華豆腐 華豆腐 作詞 Yappy 作曲 Schenbeats金色頭拿毛个妻勒好食中華豆腐美國街頭小鬼迷上李小龍的功夫 Asian squat(亞洲蹲)都不會還想要學我們記得有人放紙炮就要快快閃走看你心急如焚吃不了燙
4 3.龍 3.龍 作詞 Yappy 作曲 Schenbeats畫龍點睛 Open your world龍神來到人間準備來消災解厄八十八萬个紙炮準備往祂的頭上射紅包要包最大包六六大順街頭巷尾煙霧彌漫就知這味道純火旁龍火
5 4.賽鴿 .賽鴿 作詞 Yappy 作曲 Schenbeats賽鴿速度快的像F1賽車台灣啤酒當成飲料在喝怎麼這麼賽骰一個骰一個骰一個骰一個賽鴿速度快的像F1賽車台灣啤酒當成飲料在喝怎麼這麼賽骰一個骰一個骰一個骰一個悟

6 5.大顛狗 Macdella SheATH 作曲 Schenbeats EyeballRay來山海關走一回小心地雷還有厲鬼 Drew那些話太多的閉嘴不要把嘴巴當成屁眼 Yappy小心很多白痴會把你拉下來別再發呆 Macdel
7 1.夢想的台北 r> 作詞 魏妙如、Schenbeats 作曲 魏妙如、Schenbeats Another sunny day躲在冷氣室內夏天的滋味是我
8 1.歡迎光臨 子碩、賴彥華 作曲 劉子碩、賴彥華 編曲 Schenbeats我沒有病只是看都看不清混亂的世界讓我忘了我自己先喘口氣身體瞬間變的輕閉上雙眼來到 Multi-pharmacy What's your problem?快
9 3.7+8-9喝酒 李孟翰、劉子碩、賴彥華、吳淨平 編曲 Schenbeats男生跟女生配作伙來黑白猜今天要喝酒醉不要給林北落跑7+8-9喝酒妹妹都直直搖弟弟都直直撞妹妹都直直搖埔里阿土伯揪喝酒就沒在跟你隨意啤酒灌下大肚子我以爲兄弟
10 4.阿土伯 淨平 作曲 劉子碩、賴彥華、吳淨平 編曲 Schenbeats Now action action由我當actor那我就開始說呢 reaction where my location電影現在就開始播呢那個從前有個貪吃
11 5.Skit 淨平 作曲 劉子碩、賴彥華、吳淨平 編曲 Schenbeats Now action action由我當actor那我就開始說呢 reaction wheremy location電影現在就開始播呢那個從前有個貪吃的
12 6.值回票價 淨平 作曲 劉子碩、賴彥華、吳淨平 編曲 Schenbeats要有怎樣的決心才有勇氣選擇離鄉背井看著手中的ticket伴隨著心中複雜的情緒收拾好凌亂的行李等待下一個morning絲毫感受不到睡意腦裡裝滿了過往的回憶要
13 1.Man You Serious 李孟翰) 作曲 Drew(李孟翰)、 Schenbeats Hook Ayo Man U serious Are u serious Man U serious Are u serious Man U serio
14 1.阿裡嘎道(Arigatou) ottom變更跳轉的label墜落爬起thenbear with me你說我錯了對你不客氣阿里嘎道閒雜人等靠一靠沒人聽你放炮別來那一套不管你是哪一號別想把人擺一道阿里嘎道閒雜人等靠一靠沒人聽你放炮別來那一套不管
15 1.Vibe Versace ist der Aschenbecher aus GoldJede Nacht die Kripo für ein Waffen-Checkup Meine Nachbarn Mann sie
16 3.Funky Magus it for dollars and thenbeing a baby about it while getting paid. Sounds kind of demoralizing right. Might
17 10.Feelings Aus Der Asche h nicht kennt Im Aschenbecher liegt ein Foto Und ich seh' zu wie es verbrennt Und hol die Hand aus meiner
18 3.Auf Papier in der Stille im Aschenbecher glimmt Ein kleines Stück Papie
19 7.Fortschritt me Sonnenbrillen Aschenbecher Flammenwerfer Schnellkochtöpfe Abziehbilder Enterhaken Fleischerhaken Angel
20 5.Rothenberg he Grieving5.Rothenberg He's just a simple man unlike anybody else. He loves the smell of burning

21 6.Self-Knowledge ect Managment am bchenberge1530453 hannover watch out for new album in september'95 germany tour in octo
22 3.She Does It ythehand Thenbeforetoolongyou'llreachthepromisedland Anyproblemsthatyou'vegotshe'llunderstand She's more than just a friend... Girls like her ... rcomealongandtakeyabythehand Thenbeforetoolongyou'llreachthepromisedl
23 21.Die Fröliche Apokalypse te die Mutter im Wochenbett eine schreckliche Vision. Sie sah rote Fahnen Massen von Menschen am Ballhaus
24 4.Dir Mama ma Stummel aus'm Aschenbecher kannst Du Dich erinnern?'n Appel und'n Ei- konnte sich nicht verschlimmern
25 15.There Goes My Hero ate Mendel Georg Ruthenberg Too alarming now to talk about Take your pictures down and shake it out Truth
26 20.'There Goes My Hero' By Foo Fighters ate Mendel Georg Ruthenberg Too alarming now to talk about Take your pictures down and shake it out Truth
27 7.My Hero ate Mendel Georg Ruthenberg Too alarming now to talk about Take your pictures down and shake it out Truth
28 1.The Slave rby Crash George Ruthenberg Starts in your head Moves to your hands Body starts shakin''Cos you're in dem
29 5.Throw It Away rby Crash George Ruthenberg I've been looking looking so far You've been this thing listening so hard I'v
30 6.Not All Right rby Crash George Ruthenberg Feeling not all right My time's in a sand-slide So hard not to unwind Find so
31 7.American Leather rby Crash George Ruthenberg Looking for a way out I put my foot out of line Really like to break-out I fe
32 9.Lexicon Devil Paul Beahm Georg Ruthenberg I'm a lexicon devil with a battered brain And I'm lookin' for a future the wo
33 11.My Tunnel rby Crash George Ruthenberg Crawling through my tunnel When everything is dim where does one go? Crawl in
34 10.Art War(Live In Los Angeles1978) on mobiles and rauchenberg gives a particular pain now art's just another distraction like tv commercial
35 8.TheJam nting money like Rothenberg VC Paid a price to be me Ain't it nice to be me? Ain't it nice to be free? Do
36 5.Yuck My name is Paul Rothenberg attorney of law And I hereby ratify and confirm that Logic is motherfucking p
37 2.Ankomme Freitag Den13. ie Truhe Abwasch Aschenbecher Hemden so jetzt habe ich Ruhe Halt da fällt mir ein ich hatte ihr ja fest v
38 65.Golden Boys helle Bell Georg Ruthenberg Aimless ain't got no where to go All my thoughts have gone Aimless ain't got
39 4.ThenBefore Wer-Pirouette4.ThenBefore You've lost your way Hitchhiking to anywhere Doesn't matter who's going
40 7.The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo l my great-uncle Archenbeau stubbed his toe on the frozen dough of The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo! Come on