
提供【David Crowder*Band】【Repeat/Return or When the Seventh Angel Sounded His Trumpet, and There Were Loud Voices in Heaven, Which Said: 'The Kingdom of the World Has Become the Kingdom of Our Lord and of His Christ, and He Will Reign Foreverandever, Etc…'】 歌词  或  ( 按此 ) 提供其他的歌词 或 错误更正

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魔镜歌词网 > 欧美歌手 > David Crowder*Band > A Collision > Repeat/Return or When the Seventh Angel Sounded His Trumpet, and There Were Loud Voices in Heaven, Which Said: 'The Kingdom of the World Has Become the Kingdom of Our Lord and of His Christ, and He Will Reign Foreverandever, Etc…'