魔镜歌词网 > 欧美歌手 > Jennifer Lopez( 珍妮佛罗培兹 )
Jennifer Lopez( 珍妮佛罗培兹 )【 共收藏 392 首歌 】
珍妮佛·琳恩·洛佩兹(英语:Jennifer Lynn Lopez,1969年7月24日-),波多黎各人,在美国本土发展的女演员、歌手。


1999年发行《On the 6(六号地下铁)》

洛佩兹的音乐概括来说是以流行音乐为主。1999年6月1日,洛佩兹发行个人第1张专辑On The 6,专辑名称由来是纪录洛佩兹在成长时期居住于Castle Hill时常搭乘的纽约六条地铁路线。本专辑在Billboard前200名排行榜中曾名列10名前,并且多首单曲都打进领先位置:像是'If You Had My Love'与'Waiting for Tonight'。本专辑亦有西班牙歌曲版本,像是拉丁味道的'No Me Ames'(与马克·安东尼合唱,稍后这位男歌手也成为她的丈夫。),虽然'No Me Ames'从未做商业发行,但仍在美国拉丁榜获得第一名的佳绩,但尽管如此,本单曲的音乐录影带在音乐频道(美国)VH1与(英国)The Box的播放率则平平。“On the 6”专辑歌曲'Feelin' So Good'请到艺人像是Big Pun与Fat Joe客串演出,在Billboard100中获得还不错的成绩。本专辑最后一首主打单曲'Let's Get Loud',让洛佩兹获得2001年葛莱美奖的《最佳舞曲录制》提名。('Waiting for Tonight'则在前一年曾获得同样奖项提名)。单曲'No Me Ames' 则获得了2000年拉丁葛莱美奖的《最受欢迎重唱/团体专辑》、《最佳录影带》的提名。迄今本专辑销售量为七百万张。

2001年发行 《J. Lo》

洛佩兹的第二张专辑是《J. Lo》,于2001年1月23日发行。也是她首次在Billboard取得排行榜第一名成绩的专辑。当她的电影《The Wedding Planner》短暂取得票房第一之后,洛佩兹成为第一位在同一个礼拜于电影与专辑排行榜都名列第一的影歌双栖艺人。本专辑首支单曲'Love Don't Cost a Thing' 是她第一首英国金榜第一名的歌曲,也取得美国本地前五名的成绩。接着主打的单曲则是'Play',也取得美国排行榜前20名与英国金榜前三名的佳绩。接下来两首单曲分别是'I'm Real' 与 'Ain't It Funny' 在榜单中的成绩快速攀升。利用这个机会,洛佩兹要求《Inc. 唱片公司》(一般更熟知的名称是《Murder Inc.》)将这两首歌都做混音版本,混音版的卖点是与饶舌艺人合作,包含Ja Rule (两首歌都参与)还有Caddillac Tah (在'Ain't It Funny'混音版)。而两首混音都在Billboard的第一名位置停留数周。她也在32岁生日之时重新发行了《J. Lo》这张专辑,并收录 'I'm Real' 的混音版作为特别收录歌曲,迄今本专辑销售量超过了一千三百万张。

2002年《J to tha L-O!: The Remixes 》

随着重新发行的专辑《J. Lo》缔造了成功的纪录,洛佩兹决定献出一张全收录混音成品的专辑,在2002年2月5日发行了《J to tha L-O!: The Remixes》。首次取得在《公告牌二百强专辑榜》中第一名的成绩,成为了使上第一张获得排行榜第一名的混音专辑,参与本张专辑演出的艺人包含了P. Diddy、Fat Joe与纳斯,而本专辑包含了之前单曲的特别收录版舞曲(rare dance)与嘻哈版本的混音。此张专辑也是继麦可·杰克逊1997年的专辑《Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix 》、玛丹娜1987年的《You Can Dance 》之后全世界最佳混音专辑销售纪录的第三名,本专辑迄今销售量为三百万张。

2002年《This Is Me... Then》

2002年11月26日,洛佩兹发行了她第三张录音专辑《This Is Me... Then》,本专辑在《公告牌200强专辑榜》中取得第二名的成绩,并制作四首单曲包含了: 'Jenny from the Block' (与歌手贾达基斯与Styles P合作,这首单曲在《公告牌百强单曲榜》获得第三名成绩);单曲 'All I Have' (与LL Cool J合作,本单曲在第一名停留数周;另外还有单曲 'I'm Glad' 与 'Baby I Love U!'。本专辑包含了一首重新演唱歌曲─Carly Simon的'You Belong to Me'。本专辑在排行榜表现优异,缔造全美三百万张与全球六百万张的成绩。 在专辑单曲 'I'm Glad' 的音乐录影带中,重现了1983年卖座电影闪舞(Flashdance)的场景,也造成一场伤害版权的诉讼官司,但在其后此官司被驳回。

2005年 《Rebirth》

在暂离音乐圈一年之后,洛佩兹在2005年3月1日发行了她的第四张录音专辑《Rebirth》,虽然一开始就攀升到《公告牌二百强专辑榜》的第二名,但这张专辑却很快的掉出榜外。回响最大的畅销歌曲是'Get Right',这首歌在美国拿到了第十五名的位置,也成为她第二个白金唱片作品 (继歌曲'If You Had My Love'之后。) 'Get Right' 这首歌曲在英国也很成功,成为她在当地第二首拿到第一名的歌曲。本专辑第二首单曲 'Hold You Down' 是与Fat Joe合作演出,在美国前一百名畅销曲中拿下第十六名的位置。这首单曲在英国则是攀升到第六名的位置,且登上澳洲排行榜第一名。另外一首单曲 'Cherry Pie' 是秋天发行的主打,但拍摄音乐录影带的计划却因专辑销售太过疲软、宣传费用超过预算而取消。这首单曲最后是向西班牙的广播电台作发表。《Rebirth》这张专辑在美国被RIAA认证为白金专辑,然后洛佩兹与LL Cool J合作了单曲'Control Myself',这首歌曲在2006年2月1日发行,而这首歌曲在美国在美国《公告牌百强单曲榜》拿下了第四名的位置,在英国单曲金榜的名次则是第二名。这是洛佩兹在三年来于首度拿下美国排行前十名的歌曲,且在全世界售出了三百万张。

2007年《Como Ama Una Mujer》

在2007年3月27日洛佩兹正式的在欧洲发行了个人首张全为西班牙文发音的专辑──《Como Ama una Mujer》。她的丈夫,也就男歌手马克·安东尼 (歌手)与Estefano一同制作了本张专辑,除了 'Que Hiciste' 这首歌曲马克·安东尼 (歌手)是与Julio Reyes一同制作的。这张专辑在美国《公告牌二百强专辑榜》中取得第十名的成绩,在美国拉丁榜则是拿到第一名的成绩(整整四个礼拜),在《美国拉丁流行歌曲专辑排行榜》也是拿下第一名的位置(整整七周),在英国则是拿下第111名的名次。在西班牙销售量极佳,在整个欧洲的排行榜中也攀升到第三名的佳绩,主要大部分是在欧洲国家像瑞士、意大利、西班牙、法国、比利时、希腊、德国、葡萄牙与澳洲销售非常成功。首支领衔的单曲是'Qué Hiciste' (在西班牙文的意思是 'What Did You Do-你做了什么?'),这首单曲正式的在2007年的一月份对广播电台发表。自此开始,此单曲就攀升到美国公告牌百强单曲榜的第86名,而在《畅销拉丁歌曲》(Hot Latin Songs)与《流行舞厅播放》(Hot Dance Club Play)排行中则都拿到第一名的成绩,在欧洲排行榜则是达到前十名的位置。这首歌的音乐录影带是MTV频道的《每日现场点播排行榜》中,第一个拿下第一名的西班牙文音乐录影带。根据MTV频道的新闻报导,本专辑第二张单曲确定会是 'Me Haces Falta' ,但这张单曲将会延缓发行,为的是避免和《El Cantante》的原声带打对台。

2007年 《Brave》

洛佩兹最近完成了个人第六张录音室专辑(个人英文专辑的第五张,在本专辑中她与制作人Midi Mafia、Jonathan 'J.R.' Rotem与莱恩·泰德合作。此专辑在2007年10月9日发行,而制作人Jonathan 'J.R.' Rotem与编写拍档Evan 'Kidd' Bogart合作了部分曲子。2007年3月27日洛佩兹在MTV频道的点播节目中出现,并说明了这张专辑将会在九月发行 (但现在则由Yahoo网站肯定了会到十月份发行),而 'Do It Well ' 将会是第一首释出的单曲。在四月底洛佩兹于拉斯维加斯曾演出新专辑的其中一首歌曲,她说到自己终于在2007年底,可以为了同时宣传她的新英文专辑与西班牙专辑展开巡回活动。

MTV频道的新闻报导说这张专辑将可以听见洛佩兹回到了Pop、R&B与嘻哈的音乐类型,在和本节目谈到这张专辑之时,洛佩兹说:'我真的对专辑感到很兴奋,第一首单曲将会在夏天发表。而且,你知道的,这将会与我的西班牙专辑非常的不同。我的西班牙专辑是种能尝试和英文专辑不同路线的机会,也可以表现不同的自己。' 她接着说到:'下一张(这里是指《Brave》)专辑是多数人和我的歌迷比较习惯的类型,你知道的,就是舞曲、funk、R&B和嘻哈的类型,全部都是关于这些事物,全部都能融合在一起然后创造出许多很棒的流行音乐。'其中有首慢歌叫做'Wrong When You're Gone' 会在七月时于网络上发表,也确定时间与地点是选在7月30日的《Yahoo UK》,而这张新专辑的名称将会是《Brave》。在英国是10月8日发行。而其中有两首单曲将会在美国发行,包含了 'Hold It, Don't Drop It' 这首将会专攻流行音乐电台的歌曲,而 'Do It Well' 则会专攻城市电台。最近,歌曲 'Mile In These Shoes' 的片段则在美国广播公司的影集欲望师奶第四季中播放宣传

她在纽约自己策划的'Secret'活动中第一次现场演出了'Hold It, Don't Drop It' 这首歌,也公开征选参与她舞台演出的舞者,她也集锦式的演唱了自己以前的畅销歌曲。

2007年 巡回

根据2007年7月24日的Billboard杂志报导,洛佩兹与她的丈夫马克安东尼将携手领衔进行世界巡回,这场名为《En Conciert》的巡回将会于9月29日在纽泽西开唱,而门票在8月10日就已经售完。这场巡回演出曲目将会混合她现在的音乐、以往的歌曲与西班牙音乐。在最近的媒体发表中,洛佩兹宣布了整个巡回演出的详细旅程计划,此巡回在9月28日于Mark G. Etess Arena开跑。

据传洛佩兹在2007年10月3日于Mohegan Sun Arena演唱途中差一点就掉下舞台。

2012年 巡回

她于2012年11月28日,在香港举行“Dance Again 世界巡回演唱会”-香港站。
歌曲列表方式 专辑列表(时间) 歌名列表(字数) 歌名列表(笔划)
  歌名 作词 作曲 日期
1 A. K. A.     2014-06
2 Acapulco 78      
3 Acting Like That     2014-06
4 Adios     2007-04
5 Again (album version)      
6 Again     2002-12
7 Ain't It Funny (album version)      
8 Ain't It Funny (Murder Remix) Jeffrey Atkins, Seven Aurelius, Tiheem Crocker, Ashanti Douglas, Osten Harvey, Irving Lorenzo, Craig Mack, Cory Rooney    
9 Ain't It Funny - Murder Remix featuring Ja Rule & Caddillac Tah      
10 Ain't It Funny - Remix feat. Ja Rule & Caddillac Tah(爱情滋味) Jeffrey Atkins、Cory Rooney、Caddillac Tah、Irving Lorenzo、Jennifer Lopez Jeffrey Atkins、Cory Rooney、Caddillac Tah、Irving Lorenzo、Jennifer Lopez 2012-07
11 Ain't It Funny Remix Jeffrey Atkins, Seven Aurelius, Tiheem Crocker, Ashanti Douglas, Osten Harvey, Irving Lorenzo, Craig Mack, Cory Rooney    
12 Ain't It Funny     2003-12
13 Ain't It Funny      
14 Ain't It Funny Jeffrey Atkins, Seven Aurelius, Tiheem Crocker, Ashanti Douglas, Osten Harvey, Irving Lorenzo, Craig Mack, Cory Rooney    
15 Ain't It Funny(Remix)     2003-12
16 Ain't it Funny(Remix)      
17 Ain't Your Mama     2016
18 Ain't Your Mamá      
19 Aint It Funny Remix Feat Ja Rule And Cadillac Tah      
20 Alive (Thunderpuss mix)      
21 Alive      
22 All I Have (feat. LL Cool J)      
23 All I Have (Ignorant's Mix) Ronald Robert Bowser, William Jeffery, Jennifer Lopez, David Earl Ii Mcpherson, Lisa Peters, Curtis Richardson, Makeba Riddick, James Todd Smith    
24 All I Have (Radio Edit)      
25 All I Have - feat. LL Cool J(我的所有) Ron G、Makeba Riddick、William Jeffrey、Curtis Richardson、James Todd Smith、Lisa Peters、David McPherson、Jennifer Lopez Ron G、Makeba Riddick、William Jeffrey、Curtis Richardson、James Todd Smith、Lisa Peters、David McPherson、Jennifer Lopez 2012-07
26 All I Have     2003-12
27 All I Have     2002-12
28 Amar Es Para Siempre (Promise Me You'll Try) Peter Zizzo    
29 Amar Es Para Siempre      
30 Amar es Para Siempre(To Love Is Forever)      
31 Amarte Es Todo F Estefano Salgado, Julio Reyes    
32 Amartes Es Todo     2007-04
33 Amor Se Paga Con Amor Manny (sp. Lyr) Benito, Georgette Franklin, Amille Harris, Gregory Dean Lawson, Jeremy Monroe, Damon Jared Reinagle    
34 Amor, Amor, Amor Oscar 'Oscarcito' Hernández Oscar 'Oscarcito' Hernández 2017-11
35 Apresurate     2007-04
36 Baby I Love U! (album version)      
37 Baby I Love U! (R. Kelly Remix) John Barry, Jennifer Lopez, Cori Rooney, Dan Shea    
38 Baby I Love U     2003-12
39 Baby I Love You (R Kelly Mix)      
40 Baby I Love You (remix)      
41 Baby I Love You      
42 Baila Randall Barlow, Jr., Emilio Estefan, George Noriega, Jon Secada    
43 Baila      
44 Balia      
45 Be Mine 属于我     2007-10
46 Be Mine Michelle Lynn Bell, Bobby Hebb, John Hill, Peter Wade Keusch, Jennifer Lopez, Rhonda Robinson, Caleb Shreve    
47 Booty (DaaHype Remix)      
48 Booty (Vice Remix)      
49 Booty     2014-06
50 Brave - Radio Edit      
51 Brave 放胆爱     2007-10
52 Brave Christian Karlsson, Ezekiel Lewis, Bale'wa Muhammad, Candice Nelson, Patrick Smith, Pontus Johan Winnberg    
53 Can't Believe ... This Is Me     2007-04
54 Can't Believe This Is Me Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Mark Cory Rooney    
55 Carino      
56 Charge Me Up      
57 Charge Me Up(爱的动力)     2011-05
58 Cherry Pie     2007-04
59 Come Over      
60 Come Over Michelle Bell, Kip Collins, Sean Combs, Mario Winans    
61 Como Ama Una Mujer     2007-04
62 Control Myself      
63 Could This Be Love     2005-07
64 Could This Be Love Lawrence Paul Dermer    
65 Dame (Touch Me) Manny (sp. Lyr) Benito, Mischke Butler, Lashawn Daniels, Fred Iii Jerkins, Rodney Jerkins    
66 Dame(Touch Me)      
67 Dance Again (No Rap Version)      
68 Dance Again (Without Pitbull Version)      
69 Dance Again - Without Pitbull      
70 Dance Again featuring Pitbull(与爱共舞) Bilal 'The Chef' Hajii、Enrique Iglesias、RedOne、Pitbull、AJ Junior Bilal 'The Chef' Hajii、Enrique Iglesias、RedOne、Pitbull、AJ Junior 2012-07
71 Dance Again      
72 Dance Again(feat. Pitbull)   Bilal 'The Chef' Hajii、Enrique Iglesias、RedOne、Pitbull、AJ Junior 2012-04
73 Dance With Me      
74 Dance With Me Sean Combs, Mechalie Jamison, Michael Jones, Jack Knight, Mario Winans    
75 Dear Ben     2002-12
76 Do It Well (feat. Ludacris)      
77 Do It Well (featuring Ludacris) 说到做到 (路达克里斯饶舌加料版)     2007-10
78 Do It Well (Featuring Ludacris)      
79 Do It Well (Moto Blanco radio edit)      
80 Do It Well (radio edit)      
81 Do It Well - (Album Version) (Clean Version)      
82 Do It Well 说到做到     2007-10
83 Do It Well Leonard Caston, Anita Poree, Ryan Tedder, Frank Edward Wilson    
84 Do It Well(说到做到) Anita Poree、Ryan Tedder、Frank Wilson、Leonard Caston Anita Poree、Ryan Tedder、Frank Wilson、Leonard Caston 2012-07
85 Do It Well, Part 1 (Ultimix)      
86 Do You Know Where You're Going To?      
87 El Anillo Édgar Barrera, Andrés Castro, Oscar Hernández, Jesús Herrera A , K , A DalePlay Édgar Barrera, Andrés Castro, Oscar Hernández, Jesús Herrera A , K , A DalePlay 2018-04
88 El Deseo De Tu Amor (Open Off My Love) Manuel Benito, Darrell Branch, Kyra Justin Lawrence, Lance Rivera    
89 El Deseo De Tu Amor      
90 El Deseo de tu Amor(The Wish For Your Love)      
91 Emotions     2014-06
92 Es Amor      
93 Es Amor(It's Love)      
94 Everybody's Girl      
95 Everybody's Girl(万人迷)     2011-05
96 Expertease(Ready Set Go)     2014-06
97 Feel The Light - From The 'Home' Soundtrack      
98 Feel the light     2015-03
99 Feelin So Good - Remix feat. Big Pun & Fat Joe(感觉真好) Steven Standard、Cory Rooney、Joe Cartagena、Christopher Rios、Sean 'Puffy' Combs、Jennifer Lopez Steven Standard、Cory Rooney、Joe Cartagena、Christopher Rios、Sean 'Puffy' Combs、Jennifer Lopez 2012-07
100 Feelin' so Good (Bad Boy Remix) Joseph Cartagena, Sean Combs, George Logios, Jennifer Lopez, Christopher Rios, Cory Rooney, Steven Standard    
101 Feelin' So Good (Thunderpuss club mix)      
102 Feelin' So Good - Featuring Big Pun/Fat Joe, Album Version Joseph Cartagena, Sean Combs, George Logios, Jennifer Lopez, Christopher Rios, Cory Rooney, Steven Standard    
103 Feelin' So Good     2005-07
104 Feelin' So Good     2003-12
105 Feelin' So Good Joseph Cartagena, Sean Combs, George Logios, Jennifer Lopez, Christopher Rios, Cory Rooney, Steven Standard    
106 Fighter      
107 First Love     2014-06
108 Forever 让爱延续     2007-10
109 Forever Chauncey A Hollis, Balewa Muhammad, Candice Nelson    
110 Fresh Out The Oven      
111 Get Right (feat. Fabolous) James Brown, Rich Harrison, John David Jackson, Usher Raymond    
112 Get Right (featuring Fabolous) - Hip Hop Mix      
113 Get Right (Hip Hop mix)      
114 Get Right - feat. Fabolous(爱要说明白) Usher Raymond、Rich Harrison、John Jackson、James Brown Usher Raymond、Rich Harrison、John Jackson、James Brown 2012-07
115 Get Right     2007-04
116 Get Right     2005-03
117 Get Right(Instrumental)     2005-03
118 Get Right(Remix)     2007-04
119 Girls     2014-01
120 Goin' In (Michael Woods remix edit)      
121 Goin' In - feat. Flo Rida(舞力全开)     2012-07
122 Goin' In     2012
123 Good Hit      
124 Good Hit(最夯)     2011-05
125 Gotta Be There 到你身边     2007-10
126 Gotta Be There Travis Cherry, Michael Chesser, Adam Gibbs, Crystal Johnson, Arthur Ross, Leon Ware    
127 Greatest Part Of Me      
128 He'll Be Back     2007-04
129 Hold It Don't Drop It (Moto Blanco mix)      
130 Hold It Don't Drop It Kevin Risto、Wayne Nugent、Jennifer Lopez、Phillip Lees、Tawanna Dabney、Janet Sewell、Cynthia Lissette、Dennis Lambert、Brian Potter Jennifer Lopez、Dennis Lambert、Tawanna Dabney、Kevin Risto、Brian Potter、Cynthia Lissette、Janet Sewell、Wayne Nugent、Phillip Lees 2008-01
131 Hold It Don't Drop It Kevin Risto、Wayne Nugent、Jennifer Lopez、Phillip Lees、Tawanna Dabney、Janet Sewell、Cynthia Lissette、Dennis Lambert、Brian Potter Jennifer Lopez、Dennis Lambert、Tawanna Dabney、Kevin Risto、Brian Potter、Cynthia Lissette、Janet Sewell、Wayne Nugent、Phillip Lees 2008-01
132 Hold It, Don't Drop It 握住不放手     2007-10
133 Hold You Down (Clean Spring mix)      
134 Hold You Down (feat. Fat Joe) William Beck, Gregory Bruno, Joseph Cartagena, Gregory Christopher, Makeba Riddick, Cory Rooney, Larry Troutman    
135 Hold You Down (Radio Edit)      
136 Hold You Down (Remix)      
137 Hold You Down     2007-04
138 Hooked On You      
139 Hypnotico      
140 Hypnotico(性感诱惑)     2011-05
141 I Got U Lashawn Ameen Daniels, Fred Jerkins Iii, Rodney Jerkins, Aaron Pearce, Delisha Thomas    
142 I Got You     2007-04
143 I Got You Lashawn Ameen Daniels, Fred Jerkins Iii, Rodney Jerkins, Aaron Pearce, Delisha Thomas    
144 I Luh Ya Papi     2014-06
145 I Luh Ya Papi     2014-03
146 I Need Love 渴望爱情     2007-10
147 I Need Love Michelle Lynn Bell, John Hill, Peter W. Keusch, Rhonda N. Robinson, Caleb Shreve, Bill Withers    
148 I'm Glad (Paul Oakenfold Perfecto Mix) Andre Deyo, Jennifer Lopez, Troy Oliver, Cory Rooney, Jesse Jr Weaver    
149 I'm Glad (Who Da Funk remix)      
150 I'm Glad     2003-12
151 I'm Glad 珍妮佛罗培兹 珍妮佛罗培兹 2002-12
152 I'm Glad(Paul Oakenfold Perfecto Remix) Troy Oliver Troy Oliver 2016-09
153 I'm Gonna Be Allright (feat. Nas)      
154 I'm Gonna Be Allright      
155 I'm Gonna Be Alright (50 Cent Remix)      
156 I'm Gonna Be Alright (Nas Remix)      
157 I'm Gonna Be Alright (Remix)      
158 I'm Gonna Be Alright (track master remix)      
159 I'm Gonna Be Alright (Track Masters remix) (feat. Nas)      
160 I'm Gonna Be Alright (Track Masters remix)      
161 I'm Gonna Be Alright     2003-12
162 I'm Gonna Be Alright     2002-12
163 I'm Gonna Be Alright      
164 I'm Gonna Be Alright Clifton Chase, Cheryl Cook, Ronald Lapread, Jennifer Lopez, Guy O'brien, Troy Oliver, Sylvia Robinson, Cori Rooney, Michael Anthony Wright    
165 I'm Into You (Dave Audé club mix)      
166 I'm Into You (feat. Lil Wayne)      
167 I'm Into You (Low Sunday 'I'm Into You' Dub)      
168 I'm Into You (no rap edit)      
169 I'm Into You (Revised Version)      
170 I'm Into You (video version)      
171 I'm Into You - feat. Lil Wayne(我哈你)(提供)     2012-07
172 I'm Into You      
173 I'm Into You(feat. Lil Wayne)(我哈你)     2011-05
174 I'm Real (Murder Remix feat. Ja Rule)      
175 I'm Real (Murder Remix) Jeffrey B. Atkins, Seven Marcus Aurelius, Rick James, L Lewis, Jennifer Lopez, Irving D. Lorenzo, Troy Oliver, Mark Cory Rooney    
176 I'm Real (radio mix)      
177 I'm Real (Remix)      
178 I'm Real (Warren Clarke's club mix)      
179 I'm Real - Remix feat. Ja Rule(真女人) Rick James、Jeffrey Atkins、Cory Rooney、L.E.S.、Troy Oliver、Irving Lorenzo、Jennifer Lopez Rick James、Jeffrey Atkins、Cory Rooney、L.E.S.、Troy Oliver、Irving Lorenzo、Jennifer Lopez 2012-07
180 I'm Real Remix Martin Denny, L.e.s., Jennifer Lopez, Troy Oliver, Cory Rooney    
181 I'm Real     2003-12
182 I'm Real      
183 I'm Real Martin Denny, L.e.s., Jennifer Lopez, Troy Oliver, Cory Rooney    
184 I'm Real(Merda Mix)     2003-12
185 I'm Real(Merda Mix)      
186 I'm Real(Murda Mix)      
187 I'm Real(Murda Mix)      
188 I'm Waiting      
189 I've Been Thinkin' Jennifer Lopez, Cory Rooney, Dan Shea    
190 I've Been Thinking Jennifer Lopez, Cory Rooney, Dan Shea    
191 I, Love     2007-04
192 If You Had My Love (Dark Child Remix)      
193 If You Had My Love (Darkchild remix) (radio edit)      
194 If You Had My Love (Radio Edit)      
195 If You Had My Love (radio mix)      
196 If You Had My Love     2005-07
197 If You Had My Love     2005-03
198 If You Had My Love     2003-12
199 If You Had My Love Lashawn Daniels, Fred Jerkins, Rodney Jerkins, Jennifer Lopez, Mark Cory Rooney    
200 If You Had My Love(Darkchild Remix)      
201 If You Had My Love(如果你拥有我的爱) Fred Jerkins III、Cory Rooney、LaShawn Daniels、Rodney Jerkins、Larry Gold Fred Jerkins III、Cory Rooney、LaShawn Daniels、Rodney Jerkins、Larry Gold 2012-07
202 If You Have My Love (Pablo Flores remix edit)      
203 If You Head My Love      
204 Im Real Remix Featuring Ja-rule      
205 Invading My Mind      
206 Invading My Mind(入侵脑细胞)     2011-05
207 It's Love      
208 It's Not That Serious     2005-07
209 It's Not That Serious Lashawn Danioels, Lauren Dawson, Rodney Jerkins, Jennifer Lopez, Cory Rooney    
210 Jenny from the Block (Bronx Remix) [Edit]      
211 Jenny from the Block (Bronx Remix) [No Rap]      
212 Jenny from The Block (Reggaemix)      
213 Jenny from the Block (Seismic Crew's Latin Disco Trip Mix) Jose Fernando Arbex Miro, Samuel J Barnes, Andre Nathaniel Deyo, Scott La Rock, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Oliver, Troy Oliver, Jean Claude Olivier, Lawrence Parker, Jason Phillips, David Styles    
214 Jenny From the Block (Seismic Crew's Latin Disco Trip)      
215 Jenny From the Block (Track Masters remix)      
216 Jenny From The Block - Track Masters Remix feat. Styles P. & Jadakiss(珍妮本色) Scott Sterling、Jason Phillips、David Styles、Jean Claude Olivier、Lawrence Parker、Michael Oliver、Troy Oliver、Samuel Barnes、Jennifer Lopez、Mr. Deyo、Jose Fernando Arbex Miro Scott Sterling、Jason Phillips、David Styles、Jean Claude Olivier、Lawrence Parker、Michael Oliver、Troy Oliver、Samuel Barnes、Jennifer Lopez、Mr. Deyo、Jose Fernando Arbex Miro 2012-07
217 Jenny From The Block [No Rap]      
218 Jenny From The Block Radio Disney Edit Jose Fernando Arbex Miro, Samuel J Barnes, Andre Nathaniel Deyo, Scott La Rock, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Oliver, Troy Oliver, Jean Claude Olivier, Lawrence Parker, Jason Phillips, David Styles    
219 Jenny From The Block     2003-12
220 Jenny From The Block     2002-12
221 Let It Be Me     2014-06
222 Let's Get Loud (Clean Version)      
223 Let's Get Loud (Matt & Vito's Live Your Life radio edit)      
224 Let's Get Loud (radio mix)      
225 Let's Get Loud - Radio Edit      
226 Let's Get Loud     2005-07
227 Let's Get Loud Gloria M Estefan, Flavio Enrique Santander    
228 Let's Get Loud(大声喧闹) Kike Santander、Gloria Estefan Kike Santander、Gloria Estefan 2012-07
229 Live It Up     2013
230 Louboutins (Single)     2009
231 Louboutins Terius Youngdell Nash, Christopher A Stewart    
232 Love Doesn't Cost a Thing      
233 Love Don't Cost A Thing (Bad Boy Remix)      
234 Love Don't Cost a Thing (Full Intention remix)      
235 Love Don't Cost A Thing (Remix)      
236 Love Don't Cost A Thing (RJ Schoolyard Mix feat. Fat Joe)      
237 Love Don't Cost a Thing (RJ Schoolyard Mix) Georgette Franklin, Amil Harris, Gregory Dean Lawson, Jeremy Monroe, Damon Jared Reinagle    
238 Love Don't Cost A Thing (Spanish Version)      
239 Love Don't Cost A Thing (Video Version)      
240 Love Don't Cost A Thing - Album Version -      
241 Love Don't Cost A Thing - Main Rap #1 featuring Puffy      
242 Love Don't Cost A Thing - RJ Schoolyard Mix featuring Fat Joe      
243 Love Don't Cost A Thing     2005-03
244 Love Don't Cost A Thing     2003-12
245 Love Don't Cost A Thing      
246 Love Don't Cost A Thing Georgette Franklin, Amil Harris, Gregory Dean Lawson, Jeremy Monroe, Damon Jared Reinagle    
247 Love Don't Cost A Thing(爱情非卖品) Greg Lawson、Damon Sharpe、Grey Lawson、Ric Wake、Richie Jones、Amille D. Harris、Georgette Franklin、Jeremy Monroe Greg Lawson、Damon Sharpe、Grey Lawson、Ric Wake、Richie Jones、Amille D. Harris、Georgette Franklin、Jeremy Monroe 2012-07
248 Loving You (album version)      
249 Loving You     2002-12
250 Me Haces Falta     2007-04
251 Mile In These Shoes 走我走的路     2007-10
252 Mile In These Shoes Warren Felder, Chasity Nwagbara, Omique Williams    
253 Never Gonna Give Up 绝不放弃     2007-10
254 Never Gonna Give Up Michelle Lynn Bell, Peter W Keusch, Jennifer Lynn Lopez    
255 Never Satisfied     2014-06
256 Ni Tú Ni Yo Oscar Hernández 'Oscarcito' Oscar Hernández 'Oscarcito' 2017-07
257 No Me Ames (English Version)      
258 No Me Ames (Tropical Remix)      
259 No Me Ames     2005-07
260 No Me Ames(Ballad Version)     2005-07
261 No Me Ames(Duet With Marc Anthony)     2003-12
262 On the 6 Megamix: If You Had My Love / Waiting for Tonight / Let's Get Loud      
263 On the Floor (CCW club mix)      
264 On the Floor (CCW radio mix)      
265 On the Floor (Cha Cha Cha / Disco Fox)      
266 On the Floor (Mixin Marc & Tony Svejda LA to Ibiza mix)      
267 On the Floor (No Rap Edit)      
268 On the Floor (no rap radio edit)      
269 On the Floor (Promo Only clean no Pitbull edit)      
270 On the Floor (radio edit) (no rap)      
271 On the Floor (Radio Edit) (Radio Edit; No Rap)      
272 On the Floor (Radio Edit)      
273 On The Floor (Single)      
274 On The Floor (Ven A Bailar)      
275 On The Floor - feat. Pitbull(全力舞动)     2012-07
276 On The Floor Vs Put Your Drinks Up(DJ Jexsey 130BPM) (Radio Edit)      
277 On The Floor     2011-02
278 On The Floor(feat. Pitbull)(全力舞动)     2011-05
279 On The Floor(Ven A Bailar) - feat. Pitbull(全力舞动 - 西文版)     2011-05
280 On The Radio      
281 One Love      
282 One Love(唯一的爱)     2011-05
283 One Step At A Time      
284 Open Off My Love     2005-07
285 Open Off My Love Darrell Branch, Kyra Lawrence, Lance Rivera    
286 Papi (album version)      
287 Papi (It's the DJ Kue Extended Mix!)      
288 Papi (R3hab Club)      
289 Papi      
290 Papi(完美男人)     2011-05
291 Play (album version)      
292 Play (Radio Edit)      
293 Play (Sack International Remix) Anders Bagge, Arnthor Birgisson, Christina Milian Flores, Cory Rooney    
294 Play - Clean Album Version Edit      
295 Play     2003-12
296 Play      
297 Play Anders Bagge, Arnthor Birgisson, Christina Milian Flores, Cory Rooney    
298 Pleasure Is Mine Shelly Peiken, Guy Roche    
299 Poe Que Te Marchas     2007-04
300 Por Arriesgarnos     2007-04
301 Porque Te Marchas Marc Anthony, f Estefano Salgado    
302 Promise Me You'll Try     2005-07
303 Promise Me You'll Try Peter Zizzo    
304 Que Hiciste     2007-04
305 Que Hiciste(你做了什么 ?) Julio Reyes、Marc Anthony、Jimena Romero Julio Reyes、Marc Anthony、Jimena Romero 2012-07
306 Que Ironia (Ain't It Funny) Manuel Benito, Jennifer Lopez, Cory Rooney    
307 Qué Hiciste(Salsa Remix) Julio Reyes 马克安东尼 2016-04
308 Ride or Die Blake English, Brandy Norwood, Robert Smith    
309 Run The World      
310 Run The World(玩转世界)     2011-05
311 Ryde Or Die     2007-04
312 Same Girl     2014-02
313 Secretly      
314 Secretly Jennifer Lopez, Troy Oliver, Cory Rooney, Khalilah Shakir    
315 Sexy Body      
316 Should We Never Tonino Baliardo, Samuel Barnes, Jennifer Lopez, Jean Claude Olivier, Nicolas Reyes, Mark Cory Rooney    
317 Should've Never     2005-07
318 Should've Never Tonino Baliardo, Samuel Barnes, Jennifer Lopez, Jean Claude Olivier, Nicolas Reyes, Mark Cory Rooney    
319 Si Ya Se Acabo      
320 Si Yo Se Acabo (Translation)      
321 So Good     2014-06
322 Sola     2007-04
323 Starting Over      
324 Starting Over(从头爱过)     2011-05
325 Stay Together 和我一起     2007-10
326 Stay Together Evan Bogart, Chasity Nwagbara, Jonathan Rotem    
327 Step Into My World     2007-04
328 Still Around     2007-04
329 Still 珍妮佛罗培兹 珍妮佛罗培兹 2002-12
330 Story Of My Life      
331 Sweet Spot - feat. Jennifer Lopez [Justin Prime Remix]      
332 Sweet Spot - feat. Jennifer Lopez      
333 Sweet Spot      
334 Taco Flavored Kisses      
335 Take Care      
336 Take Care(请保重)     2011-05
337 Talk About Us     2005-07
338 Talk About Us Mark Cory Rooney    
339 Te Voy a Querer F Estefano Salgado, Jimmy Paredes, Pilar Quiroga    
340 Te Voy A Qyuerer     2007-04
341 TENS     2014-06
342 That's Not Me      
343 That's Not Me Sean Combs, Kandice Love, Mario Winans    
344 That's The Way      
345 That's The Way Lashawn Daniels, Fred Iii Jerkins, Rodney Jerkins, Nora Payne    
346 The One (Version 2) [Bonus] Thom Bell, Linda Creed, Davy Deluge, Jennifer Lopez, Mark Cory Rooney    
347 The One (Version 2) Thom Bell, Linda Creed, Davy Deluge, Jennifer Lopez, Mark Cory Rooney    
348 The One     2002-12
349 The One     2002-12
350 The Way It Is 就是这样     2007-10
351 The Way It Is Michelle Lynn Bell, Peter W. Keusch, Jennifer Lopez, Rhonda N Robinson    
352 The Wish For your Love      
353 Theme From Mahagony (Do You Know Where You're Going To) G Goffin, M Masser    
354 Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To)      
355 Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where Your Going to)      
356 This Is Me Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Mark Cory Rooney    
357 This Time      
358 To Love Is Forever      
359 Too Late     2005-07
360 Too Late Jennifer Lopez, Cory Rooney, Alvin Germaine West    
361 Troubeaux     2014-06
362 Tu     2007-04
363 Una Noche Mas     2005-07
364 Until It Beats No More      
365 Until It Beats No More(至死不渝)     2011-05
366 Us Sonny John Moore , Jason Boyd Sonny John Moore , Jason Boyd 2018-02
367 Ven A Bailar (On The Floor)     2011
368 Venus      
369 Villain      
370 Villain(死对头)     2011-05
371 Waiting for Tonight (Hex Hector vocal remix extended)      
372 Waiting for Tonight (Hex's Momentous Radio Mix) Manny Benito, Maria Christensen, Michael Garvin, Phillip Douglas Temple    
373 Waiting For Tonight (Hex's Momentous Video Remix) Manny Benito, Maria Christensen, Michael Garvin, Phillip Douglas Temple    
374 Waiting for Tonight (Pablo Flores Miami mix) [English]      
375 Waiting for Tonight (radio mix)      
376 Waiting For Tonight     2005-07
377 Waiting For Tonight     2003-12
378 Waiting For Tonight Manny Benito, Maria Christensen, Michael Garvin, Phillip Douglas Temple    
379 Waiting For Tonight(等待今晚) Phil Temple、Dave Scheuer、Maria Christiansen、Michael Garvin、Ric Wake、Richie Jones Phil Temple、Dave Scheuer、Maria Christiansen、Michael Garvin、Ric Wake、Richie Jones 2012-07
380 Walking on Sunshine (Metro Remix) Karen Anderson, Sean Combs, Mechalie Jamison, Michael Carlos Jones, Jack Knight, Jennifer Lopez, Taurian A Shropshire, Mario Winans    
381 Walking On Sunshine      
382 Walking On Sunshine Karen Anderson, Sean Combs, Mechalie Jamison, Michael Carlos Jones, Jack Knight, Jennifer Lopez, Taurian A Shropshire, Mario Winans    
383 We Gotta Talk      
384 We Gotta Talk Steve Estiverne, Joe Kelley, Jennifer Lynn Lopez, Tina Morrison, Troy Oliver, Cory Rooney    
385 What is Love (Part II)      
386 What Is Love? Dernst Emile, Diana Gordon    
387 What Is LOVE?(爱吗?)     2011-05
388 Whatever You Wanna Do     2007-04
389 Worry No More     2014-06
390 Wrong When You're Gone 你走了,我错了     2007-10
391 Wrong When You're Gone Derrick L. Baker, Keri Lynn Hilson, Ezekiel Lewis, Balewa Muhammad, Candice Nelson, Patrick Smith    
392 You Belong To Me     2002-12